Rohingya Water Crisis
Image by Abul Kalam
Image by Mainul Islam.
Image by Yasor Arfat.
Tube well in Rohingya refugee camp. Image by Haider Ali.

Image by Zahangir Alam

Image by Mohammed Hossain
Photos from the Rohingya Water Crisis competition
The Rohingya Water Crisis documentary photo competition focussed on the difficulties faced by the refugee population in terms of water resources. The refuge population are at risk of significant health problems due to the overcrowded living conditions, poor sanitation and lack of access to water. Refugees themselves have constantly flagged up problems around water - in particular, the fetching of sufficient water, safety and security during water collection, contaminated water, and the scarcity and limited availability of water.
The competition winner was Abul Kalam. Runner up was Yasor Arfat and third prize was won by Mainul Islam. The Competition judge was Parminder Bahra. Parminder was formerly Executive Producer for The Wall Street Journal in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. He has also worked as a writer and editor at The Times and the Financial Times. He is Global Head of Content of MSC, an NGO that supports ocean sustainability and wants to end overfishing. He is a keen amateur photographer.
Various Rohingya activists and advocates provided comments on the water crisis including (in random order) Advocate Razia Sultana, Tun Khin, Dr Ambia Perveen, Dr Anita Schug, Nay San Lwin and Maung Zarni,
A dedicated web site featuring photos from this competition can be found here.
In the interests of full transparency, this competition was entirely self-funded by Shafiur Rahman.